Having lots of fun sourcing the materials for the next Maker Fun sessions. Just wanted to share a couple of moments that made me laugh or gasp out loud. Looking for glow powder for a cool 'dragons blood and dragon slime' make that I have in mind. Found a glow powder that is based on a food additive instead of Zinc Sulphide and came across a foodies blog on the same. BadRabbit speculates on how to make food glow: " I bet Firefly butts are edible. Not positive of that and I don't really know how you'd find out but I seem to remember reading about a culture that ate them." "Edit: Nevermind. They are toxic..." Thank you Badrabbit, you made me laugh out loud. More here: Luminescent food techniques . And here is the one that made me gasp! Trying to source electro luminescent wire, EL or glow wire from cheapest source. Wrote to a couple of companies in China with interesting results. Was happy that my first quote was competitive but looked into...