Ok, perhaps the title is not exactly 'Hour of Code' in binary but it does capture the essence of our latest Maker Fun session. From Bee-Bots to Angry Birds we did the Hour of Code! I am happy to say we all made it and deserved our certificates at the end of it.
We did it! We captured the moment our Painted Ladies emerged from their chrysalides using our Butterfly Pi. There really is a Pi and Pi cam buried in that awesome Lego housing! Why don't you put your Raspberry Pi to use this Summer and capture what nature is doing in your back garden! Don't forget to share it. #makerfun #raspberrypi It was a lovely sunny day when we released the butterflies and we couldn't believe what happened next. Our Painted Ladies crept up onto the girls fingers for a little help with their great escape. They were in no hurry to leave and we were all fascinated by the chance to observe them before they finally flew away. I t was a magical metamorphosis. We raised 5 very hungry caterpillars that ate so much they exploded to eight times there original size. They hung upside down and turned into Chrysalides. Check out our Caterpillar Pi video too. Bef...
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